Saturday, February 7, 2009

Well here I am...

I'm starting this with no intention of telling anyone I'm doing it. Infact, I usually consider reading blogs a lot like reading someone's private journal. Still, here I am.

So about me. Um, I'm a mum to a toddler who is currently throwing a tantrum because her dad didn't let her into the laundry. I'm setting up my own business to run from home. I'm married. I live in the suburbs with two dogs and drive, unfortunately, a 4WD.

What else, oh yeah, I'm currently on a mission to lose about 70 kilos in weight and get fit. So far I've lost just over a kilo in two weeks. It's a little daunting but I really want to get the weight down. This is my third attempt to lose it. The first time I lost 15 kilos and fell pregnant. I wasn't planning on getting pregnant but my little girl is here now. The second time I started was just after I had my little girl. I didn't lose as much and I was kidding myself thinking I was going to be able to look after my little girl, breastfeed, eat properly, exercise . That attempt ended when both my husband and myself had a stint in hospital and I decided I really wasn't in the right mind space.

This time I decided to go back a month before I did. Infact it was just before christmas I decided something had to be done. Technically this is not a new year thing.

I'm also on the path to recovering from post natal depression. This has been a process that has involved so far a years worth of counselling and no drugs yet. I'm looking into alternative therapies first! Apparently, structured eating and regular exercise are recommended for

Anyway, it's hot here today. So I won't be exercising until very late this evening.

That should do for now. My little girl needs a cuddles and a sleep.


  1. Oh cool! You have started a blog too! I am gonna subscribe, and look forward to reading more misadventures - CL

  2. Hey Em,

    You can do it!! Good work, the blog really helps, if nothing else than to organise your own thoughts and make you accountable for your actions. I always pledge to do things on the blog, then only partially follow them through - but the fact that I wrote them down forces me to own up to what I didn't stick to!
    You've taken the hardest step, especially recovering from depression (been there too, although not post-natal). All I can say is that losing weight if the best choice you will ever make in your life.
    Good luck and see you around the traps :)

    Anemieke x
