Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm back!

Sorry for the absence.

But I'm back.

There have been many developments of late. Here is the latest. In order to get healthy and well, and balance out my hormones and lose weight, I'm now under the care of a naturopath. Yippee.

So the first consultation went well. We determined the underlying issue (digestion mostly caused by a condition I have) which then lead to eliminating wheat and potatoes out of my already restricted diet. This was crushing. I love my bread.

So here I am at day 4 and slowly getting used to starting the day without toast. Yesterday I noticed I wasn't as tired as I usually am. Granted I was tired but I think that had to do with a small girl wetting her bed at 5:30am rather than the usual feeling exhausted. Things are looking up. Eliminating wheat also means I have to plan my meals better than I used to as well. Not many fast food/takeaways have wheat or potato free foods. So I'm packing my lunch of left over risotto today.

So stay tuned for updates on how I'm tracking.

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