Thursday, March 26, 2009

Excuses and interruptions.


As I was pushing my toddler in the pusher this arvo I was coming up with a fantastic post. All the musing of the last couple of days and the like. Then I was interrupted by a surprise visit from my father in law. He always seems to turn up when I'm covered in my toddler's lunch/dinner/drink, the house is a mess or I'm about to do something. Today it was all of them. Argh!

Right at this minute, I'm trying to type and balance my girl on my lap. Challenging.

What was I going to post. Oh yeah.

I was thinking about all the excuses I'm currently using to delay the start of my running program. There are a few. If there's one, I'll find it.

My heart rate monitor is in Adelaide being serviced and battery changed. Might as well be in Europe. This frustrates me as I use it as a guide to the intensity of my workout and an accurate monitor of how long I've exercised. It also, obviously, tells me when I'm pushing too hard.

I also had been using my boobs as an excuse. I'm not bragging here, but I have really big knockers. I've used my sports bra being too big and not supporting me the way it should. This is good and bad. Hip Hip Hooray, I've lost weight. Groan, I could injure someone if not restrained. I've since had a fitting and found my back size has gone down but cups are still huge. This I will one day have surgery to fix once I've lost more weight.

Then there's the part of me that I can't fix with a sports bra. They should tell you in pre-natal classes your belly will NEVER be the same. It's all wobbly and like the boobs, needs to be strapped down to prevent injury. Tricky. It was suggested I try skins as they suck everything in and help with something else. I did. I got the largest chicky size and wandered off to the fitting room. I got the top on OK, just got trapped trying to get it off. I had to get the very nice staff member to come in and help me rediscover my head and release my arms from above my head. Note to designers out there, Big sizes are needed more than skimpy ones. We need it more!

There's also the weather and lack of light. As the days are getting shorter here, I've got less opportunity to get out and move. This isn't the greatest area to be out in the dark on your own and given hubby leaves for work in the dark (even in summer), I can't just go for a very early morning run. Someone has to be home with the baby. By the end of the day, I've either lost enthusiasm or it's dark again. Any suggestions on this one?

So in other news, I'm going out tomorrow night with one of my best friends sans hubby and bubby. This will be a first and I'm looking forward to it. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


My water bottle waiting.

The skirt and leggings combo.

Wasn't brave enough to take a photo of the garage. Maybe another time.


Another adventure.

Hi all.

Was feeling a little flat this morning and managed to eat half a block of very nice, but very wrong, chocolate. ARGH! So I thought I would remedy this with some exercise. I thought that I would take my bike and it's new seat out for a test drive. All this sounds good doesn't it?

So I grabbed all the paraphernalia I required. The basics like keys, Ventolin, mobile, water bottle and helmet. Then figured out I didn't have anywhere to store these while essentials whilst riding. Enter the denim skirt. I rationalised that I could just wear it over my leggings. Oh so very fashionable.

First challenge of the day was actually extracting the bike from the garage. Darling hubby seemed to think the back of the garage was a fantastic place to store it. So whilst the doggy's were barking insanely to let me know there was someone in our garage (they're not too bright), I carried the bike through the obstacles such as a car radiator and ute tailgate (I can't explain this sufficiently, might need to learn how to post photos.) and got out the bike.
Stage one complete.

Next was to get my helmet on. I put my hair into pigtails when I exercise. Pigtails+helmet=jammed on. God I must have looked frightful.
Stage two complete.

Now I had to get on the bike. Remember that skirt I was telling you about. Now there is no ladylike way to get on my bike. I have to get on the same way guys get on. Not in a skirt. Yes it has stretch but not that much stretch. I was trying to do this in the driveway in full sight of the neighbourhood. YAY! After a small stumble into the garden bed, I was on and heading off. Stage three complete!

I was riding. Wind in my face, sun in my eyes but I was on the road and peddling. I managed three corners when a ute and trailer overtook me and stopped suddenly at the next intersection. I was turning left and didn't see the car coming. Oops took my eyes off where I was going for a second and I'm off the bike. Hello nature strip AND with witnesses. The blokes in the ute were probably killing themselves laughing.

Got up, back on the bike and rode back to my house where I found my water bottle waiting patiently on the couch where I had left it.
Stage four complete.

Condition report: Bruises: Zero. Scrapes: Zero. Broken bones:Zero. Dignity: Slightly dinted. Bum: Not as sore.

Mission complete.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spoke too soon

Nope, I was wrong. Wii-mote is back in the hands of Hubby. It seems that as soon as I started to use it, his interest in it fired back up. I'll be very glad when he finishes his leave and returns to work on Monday.

Thursday was our 4th anniversary of our marriage and we celebrated by spending the day together on Friday. We took my bike to be serviced and new saddled (YAY) and acquired computer parts to replace the bits that didn't like the power surge and then had a lovely lunch at a pub. We then came home to watch the latest James Bond movie. I need you to know that I love James Bond movies before I tell you what happened next. About 10 minutes in, I went to sleep. I know, I know but this one seemed to be missing something. Oh yeah, Ian Fleming. Will try again in the coming week.

Bubs has just woken from her nap. She go and check on her.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Right. The god stick is back in my hands! After being patient (and absent from house) the wii remote is MINE! Incidentally, rhythm boxing is my new favourite.

Other news. My cousin got married on the weekend. Yay. She had intended it to be on the beach. Nice. The weather turned on her and it was freezing and poured with rain. BAD. Also her caterer had a tantrum and the reception was delayed by two hours.

What I should also tell you is that my cousin looked divine. Her dress was beautiful and I didn't recognise her husband. Every time I've seen him, he's been wearing thongs and holding a beer so to see him in a suit and "real" shoes not to mention a haircut was a bit of a surprise.

My diet also took a bit of a tumble over the weekend. Was staying with my family and eating for a diet is not their strong point. Good news is that I'd spent the earlier part of the week exercising like mad to compensate. Only a small gain as a result. Now have to do the same this week to make up for it!

Tomorrow I'm taking my bike to be fitted, serviced and a comfy seat installed on it. Yay. Maybe now I can make good use of it and save the environment, money and improve my fitness. There is even talk of acquiring a toddler seat for the back.

I wish the weather would decide what it wants to do. My sinuses aren't coping. I'm over the headaches.

More soon.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Absolute silliness

I relented. I've held out on buying a new telly for about 2 years. Then last week I caved. Only because I wanted a wii fit.

This is both good and bad. The wii was supposed to be for me to muck around with and get a bit more exercise in. Hubby has used it more than me. Grr. I'll just have to wait until the novelty has worn off and it will be mine again!

Other news since the last post. Toddler is still teething. Health nurse said she's very smart and about 6 months ahead in her development. Yay. This also means we get to suffer through tantrums earlier than scheduled.

I've also manage to lost another kilo or so.

I should really do this more often as I forget all the interesting things in the mean time!